Friday, January 29, 2010

Dreams are free...

So I thought I'd list my goals for the year 2010 in order to 1) give me the drive to complete my painting projects, 2) gloat if/when I achieve them, and 3) hide in shame if/when I fail spectacularly.

1. Qualify for the NZ Masters. One more decent finish in a tournament last year would have seen me up there, so with a planned attendance of 5 tournaments this year, I think I can achieve this.

2. Win a Best Painted Army award. I believe the best chance I have of this is FluffyCon in a few weeks as the army I lost out to at Fields of Blood won't be there. I have some nice new centerpieces planned so fingers crossed.

3. Finish the Warriors of Chaos army in time for Natcon. I don't think will (read: I'm sure I won't) be able to finish them for Equinox which was my goal, but I will be taking them even if they're bare and blue-tac'd!

4. Crush my arch nemesis Adam Richards the next time he's brave enough to accept my grudge. So far I'm 0-1-1... a record I'd like to rectify!!!

I think that should be it. The Ogres are on hold again unfortunately. There's just not enough sun shine hours these days.

The Girlies...

So for FluffyCon '10 this may indeed be the final run of the orcs in a tournament for a while (assuming I can at least assemble the WoC in time for Equinox in March). Although I enjoy the giant in my standard tournament list, and think it's a soft choice, I want to take the Wyvern and the one terror causer limit means I've been forced to look in the troll direction. These lovely ladies are my answer to that!
The inspiration comes from the general lack of knowledge regarding female orcs (or the reproductive cycle of orcs in general) which sounded fun to play off, and also me having no desire to spend $150 on some 'normal' trolls. Painting has begun, as my things to do list consists of these, the Spider-mounted BSB and the boar chariot.