Well sadly I have decided to sell my first Warhammer army. Yep, out with the old and in with the new. Here's the pics to immortalise them as long as Blogspot stays online... It's a bit sad I suppose. I learned so much in making this army.
My first conversion, the King... My first blending, the skeleton shields... My first center piece, the giant... My first scratch built model, the tunneling Scorpion... So many memories...
WHFB has taken a back seat in recent years partially due to the release of 8th, partly due to the continued company direction taken by GW, but mostly due to the rise of Warmachine around the country. I am the proud owner of a ~100 point Cygnar army, a ~50 point Skorne army and 40 points of Khador. I travel the tournament scene with some regularity and will look to increase my trips around the country (and hopefully overseas) in the coming years. I'm also the sidekick in NZ's first Warmachine podcast, which you can find here: http://thrallblacks.blogspot.com/search/label/Thrallblacks%20Radio